Early on Sunday morning, gunfire erupted outside the Mumbai residence of Bollywood star Salman Khan, according to PTI, citing police sources. The shooting took place at Galaxy Apartments in the Bandra district, where Khan lives. Reportedly, the attackers discharged four rounds before escaping. The local police, together with the crime branch, promptly initiated an investigation. Furthermore, forensic experts were dispatched to the scene to gather evidence and assist in the investigation.
Following the attack, the Bandra police station and crime branch have deployed multiple teams. These teams are meticulously analyzing CCTV footage from the area to determine the assailants' path and escape route. Additionally, the police are carrying out on-site investigations, taking witness statements, and are in the process of filing a First Information Report (FIR) against the unidentified attackers. It is important to note that Salman Khan's security has been heightened since November 2022 due to threats from gangsters Lawrence Bishnoi and Goldy Brar. The actor has been permitted to carry a personal firearm and has obtained a new bulletproof vehicle, highlighting the serious nature of the threats against him.
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